Learn more myths about swimming in pools.
If you’ve been thinking about new pool construction or pool remodeling, you’re probably aware of a few myths about swimming in a pool, which you may not even realize aren’t true. We thought it would be educational, not to mention a little fun, to dispel a few of these myths about swimming right here and now.
You Can’t Swim Until an Hour After Eating
Possibly the most pervasive of all myths about swimming is the idea that after you eat, you will get cramps if you go into the water within the following hour or so. Oddly enough, this is based on a partial truth. While your body is digesting food, blood that would typically be settled in your muscles moves to your stomach. Even though cramping isn’t common, overworking yourself in the pool could cause it to happen. To avoid tempting fate, choose a lighter meal if you plan to swim afterward.
Eyes Burn Because of Chlorine
Anyone who has ever opened their eyes while underwater in a pool (which is everyone – don’t lie!) knows that you will receive a bit of a burning sensation, which can actually make your eyes sting after a while. This often gets blamed on the amount of chlorine being used in the water, but this is definitely one of the myths about swimming that people often believe. Burning eyes are actually due to your water having an improperly balanced pH level.
Chlorine Kills All the Germs
Several myths about swimming are related to chlorine and this is one that’s been around for a while. After all, the function of chlorine in your pool is to kill germs, which means that many people have no fear of getting sick from others who have entered the pool. But, the truth is that chlorine doesn’t kill every single germ. Therefore, make sure that you don’t take any unnecessary risks such as getting into the pool with someone who is currently sick or who just got over a cold.
No Need to Shower Prior to Swimming
Many swimmers will forego a shower prior to jumping into the pool, but this is one of those myths about swimming that you must ignore. Just because your bathtub and pool both contain water doesn’t mean that they’re interchangeable. By jumping into the pool in need of a shower, all you’re really doing is putting a ton of dirt, grime, sweat, and whatever else is on your body into the pool for everyone to enjoy. If you’re pressed for time, at least jump in and rinse off.
The smell of Chlorine Means There’s Too Much
There have probably been a few times when you have noticed the smell of chlorine emanating from a swimming pool when you’ve been close to the water. A lot of people will assume that this means there is too much chlorine, but this is simply another one of those myths about swimming that often goes unchallenged. What is actually happening is that the chlorine is attaching itself to bacteria to create what is called chloramines. These elements turn into oxygen and enter the air, which allows you to smell the chlorine. Therefore, the chlorine is actually in the air, not in the water.
Contact Larsen’s Pool & Spa for Pool Construction and Design
Finding a trustworthy swimming pool contractor is an essential part of building or redesigning a pool for your home. Larsen’s Pool & Spa has proven itself as the most reputable pool builder in the Tampa Bay area. Give us a call at (727) 786-7665 to learn more myths about swimming or discuss your swimming pool plans.